Monday, July 7, 2008

Hang OUt wit Tea- session Gang..

Sorry for the late update..HEe hm, i am sure you guys have read the same story from Hanna n Faiz-hs..its just that, this is another version of it..Keke~

As you all know, the Tea Session Gang is Max, Faiz, HAnna and OF Course ME..HEe on 4th of July, us the Tea session Gang Went out for a Tea..[Plan to go for tea]..

So afTer the Friday Prayer, I Picked Faiz and HAnna..Since Faiz and HAnna have some discussion regarding their financial plan, so we search for a spot where they can discuss and as for me...TEA..keke~ we find it hard to choose for a place at first, then i remember about a cafe somewhere around Kiarong area and finally Chose the cafe for a Tea..

Plan to have a Tea or Tea Tarik, but when we reached the cafe i ordered Seafood+Beef Wet Fried Noodle and Ice Lemon..[gosh!rly need cold drink tat time]. As for Faiz, He ordered the same dishes as me but without BEef and he chose ICe Lemon Tea for Drinks..n Hanna, Tea Tarik and she's not in a mood for eating due to Ulcer..[~sigh~]...After finish eating, we... bla bla bla..n blogging for a while..

My Darlz{Faiz & HAnna}

{Tea Session Gang}

{My Wet Fried Noodles} Yummy!!

THen we went to Lambak to Pick up Mr. Boyfee[ as mention by Faiz] and Reach Lambak at 5:09pm[approximately]. After that, we accompanied Faiz to serusop, D Heritage to refill his printer cartridge ink, and the person who assist Faiz told him that he have to wait for 30 minutes for them to refill the cartridge.

While waiting for them to get it done, we decided to go to a restaurant for a Tea and we chose C.A.Mohammad for "MEnihi"..[keke~] As usual, we plan for a tea but at last we came up with different order..hehe 3 of us had tea except Faiz-Coke and as for the side order, we ordered Murtabak and as for me, Roti Norbi,,[mmm..Yummy!] since its Lepak'ings time, as usual...our table is the noisiest one, chit-chatting along with Faiz powered-noisiest Laugh..HAha[ops!] ;p

Faiz being Boxed by my Boyfee..hehe

Me and My Gang

My Darlz

My Boyfee

After Chit- Chatting for an Hour plus, we went to d Heritage to take the Cartridge and picked CD Shop in Gadong for our next stop[ KoMunis]..

Reach KOmunis, each and everyone of Us goes to different section.

Dieja: Latest English DVD[ bought Kungfu panda, Step Up2, How she moves]

Hanna: Indon BAnd CD[ bought Radja~i Tink~ correct me if im wrong]

Faiz: Indon Movie[ took some time in that section, but didn;t buy anything..keke~ (^^,) ]

Mr. Boyfee : Software [ None]

While waiting for my boyfee at the software section, we as usual being vain taking picture outside the KOmunis Keke~ [Kes Prasan] and Faiz with his step following the rhythm of the music..[in Public keke~]

The Trio in Action: LoL

We actually plan to go to bandar just for viewing, but them we stopped at this government building near RTB..[Gosh! i forgot to ask them what building is it] We stopped because we find that the lighting was very change colours frequently.ITs kinda Unique in a way.. and guess what, i caught Faiz in Action while taking the Picture of the Lights..HAha

{ops...caught em in action}keke~


Teen GirL??

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